Yes, custom fonts can be used throughout the main customer journey. We have a list of standard fonts available already in the platform but custom fonts can be used to help the referral journey align with your brand's design.
The standard fonts include:
Arial, sans-serif
Verdana, sans-serif
Tahoma, sans-serif
Trebuchet MS, sans-serif
Times New Roman, serif
Georgia, serif
Garamond, serif
Courier New, monospace
Brush Script MT, cursive
If you'd like to use custom fonts, follow these steps and send your custom fonts to the support team so that they can be uploaded to your account:
Step 1: Prepare Your Font File
1. Format: Ensure your custom font is in a supported format (e.g., `.ttf` or `.otf`).
2. Label Save the font file in a text document (.txt), clearly listing:
- Font Name
- Any specific usage instructions (if applicable)
Step 2: Save and Zip the File
1. Save the text document with a descriptive name, such as `YourCompanyName_CustomFonts.txt`.
2. Zip the text document to ensure it is secure for emailing.
Step 3: Send the Font File to Mention Me support at
Step 4: Await Confirmation
1. Mention Me will email you a confirmation once the font has been successfully uploaded to your account.
2. If there are any issues with your submission, Mention Me support will reach out to you for clarification.
By following these steps, you'll ensure your custom fonts are seamlessly integrated into your referral campaigns. If you have any questions or run into issues, contact Mention Me support for assistance.