Step by Step Guide:
2. Using the navigation panel on the left, click "Themes" under Content.
3. You can see if your theme is currently in use and how many experiments it is assigned to by clicking the "View offers" icon.
4. You can filter the experiment status using the drop-down menus.
5. To update your selected theme, click "Edit"
6. Here you can choose to leave feedback via the comment tool and change between desktop and mobile views.
7. Before beginning any editing, toggle on "Edit mode"
8. If you try to make any edits before the "Edit mode" is on, you will be prompted to switch it on.
9. Within the Theme editor, you have the ability to control the styling across the Website, Dashboard, Corner peel & Conversion message views.
Emails are not yet supported in the theme editor. We’re working to bring this functionality to the platform. Register for early access.
10. Using the tabs you can edit the component styles for each view.
11. Advanced users can also edit the theme CSS.
12. Once you have finished making your edits, click "Publish"
13. Click "Publish changes" to make your edits live.