Introducing Advocacy Dashboards
What are Advocacy Dashboards?
A new way to track overall business performance for advocacy and individual campaigns.
It gives you a holistic view of advocacy for your business, and how you can monitor revenue growth over time.
Actionable insights to make informed decisions on advocacy marketing tactics based on data-driven strategies.
Where can I find the new dashboards?
We’ve updated our main navigation with three new Dashboards focussed on different parts of the platform
They can all be accessed from the left hand navigation.
Our ‘Advocacy Dashboard’ replaces our ‘Executive Dashboard’ and we’ve split performance out into a couple of new sections, one focussed on Advocacy and one on the programmes you run through Mention Me.
Why are we replacing our Executive Overview?
We have introduced several new features, many of which focus on advocacy. With new features and advocacy measurement metrics we wanted to bring to the surface the true value of advocacy.
Where can I find my referral metrics?
We have an updated version of the previous ‘Executive Dashboard’ under the left hand navigation ‘Programme Reporting’ you can set this as your homepage if required using the ‘Dashboard Settings’
Can I customise the dashboards?
You can select which of our three new dashboards is your landing page with the ‘Dashboard Settings’ option at the top of each page.
Additionally we still have our ‘Overall Performance' tab in our ‘Programme Reporting’ section where you can customise which metrics are shown for quick access and reporting on your unique requirements.
What is on each page?
Advocacy Dashboard
The Advocacy Dashboard contains insights and metrics around the overall value of advocacy and Mention Me, this page gives you the headline information and access to deeper dives to quickly share with decision makers.
On this page you can find;
Recent customer sentiment: It’s easy to look at metrics and not have the context about how customers are actually feeling in their words.This sentiment helps you to quickly get a personal view of your brand from your customers. You can learn more about our Sentiment Analysis here.
Earned Growth Score: Setting context, this score shows how you are doing in advocacy at a top level, Earned Growth helps to show where you are in your Advocacy journey, and is essential to understanding the financial impact of Advocacy. You can learn more about Earned Growth here.
Average ECR: Average ECR shows the month to month trend of how valuable advocates are, this should be going up over time as advocacy is encouraged and your advocates generate more revenue through referral and word of mouth.
Referral Metrics: New referred Customers, Total Referral Revenue. This is the direct value generated by Mention Me and is important to keep an eye on to ensure things are performing correctly.
NPS Split: Understanding how much of your customer base is having a positive or negative experience helps contextualise feedback and other metrics at the point of post purchase. You can learn more about our Sentiment Analysis here.
Integrations Setup: Advocacy is about so much more than what is directly in Mention Me, this will show you that you have connected up other parts of your Martech system.
Contacts & Opt Ins: Being able to capture first party contacts and marketing opt-ins is a vital part of our offering and allows you to build up your marketing database whilst running referral.
Advocacy Intelligence
This dashboard provides a deeper level of detail on the advocacy insights available on the dashboard, bringing together lots of advocacy activities to understand the overall status of advocacy for the business. It has deeper insights into Earned growth, ECR and Sentiment, whilst still keeping everything together on a single dashboard for a holistic view.
On this page in addition to many of the high level advocacy metrics on the Advocacy Dashboard you can find;
Earned Growth Breakdown: Providing a little more detail it shows the components that make up earned growth as well as the overall score to better identify where needs to be explored for improvements. You can learn more about Earned Growth here.
ECR Segment sizes: Providing a little more detail again this includes the sizes of the ECR segments. Understanding how your existing referrers breakdown is an important deciding factor in what actions to take, the goal being to try and increase the size of the medium and high segments as a proportion of your referring customers as these represent the most valuable customers for advocacy.
Predicted ECR segments (Optimise, Advanced, Ultimate only): Looking ahead at what is likely to happen next with Predicted ECR is a great way of deciding what action to take next, are there particularly large segments forming that need to be addressed?
Best Network: Visualising the formation of networks and understanding how many are forming helps you to think about the compounding effect advocacy has giving context to the rest of the metrics on the page.
Programme Reporting
The ‘Programme Reporting’ dashboard is aimed at campaign owners providing a deeper level of detail on the referral campaign metrics
On this page you can find the key metrics for the referral programme;
Revenue Breakdowns: To show where revenue is being generated from by the referral campaigns, new customers, repeat purchases and subsequent orders.
Key Referral Metrics: These are the key metrics for referral, New Customers, Share Rate and Conversion, they are important in understanding how your campaigns overall are performing and what areas might need looking at.
Campaign Comparisons: This tool allows for a quick comparison to identify any campaigns that may be underperforming
Can I download these dashboards?
For quick access for reports or presentations you can easily get a screenshot or a PDF download of these dashboards to share offline from the top of each dashboard.
- What package is it?
- Access to our Advocacy Dashboards is across all packages, with signposts on how to get set up with our new advocacy features to populate them.
- How do I provide feedback?
- Contact your CSM today to send feedback or reach out to our product team directly