Accidentally blocked Mention Me with your ad blocker? No problem! Here's a simple guide to get things working again. Since ad blockers work differently, we've provided instructions for some of the most popular ones. If yours isn't listed, a quick search online for "[Your Ad Blocker Name] disable" should do the trick.
General Steps (May vary slightly depending on your browser and ad blocker):
Most ad blockers can be controlled via an icon in your browser's toolbar. This icon might be a stop sign, a power button, or something else related to blocking.
- Locate the ad blocker icon: Look in your browser's toolbar (usually at the top right).
- Click the icon: This will open the ad blocker's menu.
- Find the option to disable: Look for options like "Pause," "Disable on this site," or something similar. The exact wording will depend on your ad blocker.
- Disable for the current site: Select the option that disables blocking for the specific website you're on. This allows Mention Me to work without disabling your ad blocker entirely.
Specific Instructions:
- Adblock Plus: Follow these detailed instructions with screenshots:
- Ghostery: Ghostery focuses on tracker blocking. For instructions on managing trackers on a specific site (allowing Mention Me), visit:
- NordVPN's Adblocker: For NordVPN's ad blocker, consult their guide:
If you continue to have trouble, please contact Mention Me support, and we’ll be happy to help!