Promoting referral in emails is a great way to boost results. It puts your scheme in front of customers who may not have yet seen it, and reminds those who have to share it with friends.
To promote your scheme in emails, you need to create a landing page and link.
Creating a landing page
You can create your own landing page on your site (e.g. This is where customers will be sent if they click the link in your email telling them about referral.
Linking from e-mails
By default, customers who reach your referral landing page will be asked to enter their name and e-mail address before they can share. If you’d like to remove this step (and potential deterrent), you can do so by passing additional data in parameters.
Four parameters are required:
- firstname - the customer's first name
- surname - the customer's surname
- email - the customer's email address
- situation - a parameter that indicates where the customer saw the link. Structure the situation parameter using three elements based on the type of promotion you’re running: channel, type, date (e.g. email-newsletter-jan23). Providing this parameter will let you analyse the impact of this e-mail (or any other promo) on driving additional referral traffic.
Add these parameters to the landing page link, like this:
Replace the capitalised parts with the correct values for the customer.
For example:
Testing offers while promoting in e-mails
Customers who follow your e-mail link will be randomly assigned to an offer in the latest experiment. If preferred, you can send them to a specific offer in an experiment (although this will bias experiment results). Your Client Success Manager can help you set this up.