The basics of Promotion Points
Mention Me allows you to track the performance of each of your promotion points when you use a "situation" parameter with your touchpoints. This is achieved by adding "?situation=…" to each of the touchpoint URLs.
For example, you may change the homepage header link to:
- This will be displayed in your reports as "homepage_header".
To check the performance between all touchpoints in the Mention Me portal, check the 'Promotion Points' report under Reporting > Conversion & Funnel:
We can see this presented nicely in the below graph in the platform:
This shows the effectiveness of each touchpoint at each stage of referral.
Some of the default promotion points can be found below:
Postpurchase: Refers to the standard order confirmation page integration
Landingpage: Refers to the standard landing page integration
Dashboard: Refers to the standard dashboard integration
dashboard-register: This person tried to view the dashboard. They weren't able to view the dashboard because they didn't have an existing offer, and because the option to register them immediately (known as "register first time") was not enabled. We therefore have redirected them to an Offer page so they can register themselves, and we use dashboard-register to identify those people.
dashboard-first-time-register: Similar to the above, but instead of sending them to an Offer and letting them register themselves, we're going to try and register them straight away and then send them to the dashboard.
manually: The User was manually added, i.e. through the Customer Service portal.
externallink: This is where a client has explicitly linked to registration page. If no situation was provided, we'll use this one. A simple example of where this might come from is the Client FAQs, which include a register link, or the link from the Campaign section which allows a User to register directly for a specific Campaign.
Something followed by -parallel-campaign: This is a special one, used when someone is being enrolled into a parallel campaign. In the Now TV example where they offer Sports, Movies and Entertainment, if you were registering through the landing page for Sports, you'd end up with 3 UserOffers, one for Sports (landingpage) and two special ones for Movies and Entertainment called landingpage-parallel-campaign.
batch-enrolled: User was uploaded as part of a historic customer upload.
tag-batch-register and tag-batch-register-silently: Someone has upload a CSV of register or register-silently tags respectively.
existingcustomerreferee: if an existing customer tries to claim a referee reward, we tell them they can’t have one, but they can refer their friends to earn one. if they make a referral, they’ll come through as ‘existingcustomerreferee’ in this report
checkout: You are referred by a friend, so you enter their name in the Referee link but your friend’s name is Jane Smith. You’re then sent to the duplicate match page. When you enter in the email address of Jane on following the prompt, the platform will give you a voucher even if there is no match. To do that, the platform creates a placeholder referrer and that’s what appears in the reporting. Essentially, Checkout is where customers are using the referee link, but the platform couldn’t actually identify their referrer so it creates one
The above list is not exhaustive, but covers most instances.
Beyond this, you can customise your touchpoints for better tracking. This allows to see which specific email or homepage touchpoint is performing the best by adding a “?situation=” append to the landing page URL. You can customise the parameter to whatever you like, and so in the below graph, you can see a number of new promotion points. The “get_free_homepage” promotion point performs well for you, making up around 12% of all referred new customers.
This was done by placing the below url on your homepage:
The instructions
You can update every touchpoint using a similar structure. To make it easier to track the effectiveness, we have a few things to consider below.
Each touchpoint should use the below structure:
For the main touchpoint, please stick to the following list:
For the secondary touchpoint, you can be a little broader, but try to stick closely to the below:
For Homepage, use:
For Email, use:
For Social, use:
For Other, use:
Direct Mail
Anything else that might be relevant, while trying to stick to the above
For the optional additional information, you can go wild, and use any relevant information you choose – it is optional though, so only add if you feel it is useful.
A few structured examples can be found below:
Situation=Email_ newsletter_lapsedcustomer
Tracking Parameters Example
This is how a URL with a full set of tracking parameters would look:
Integrating Google Analytics parameters