Mention Me allows you to upload data directly to the platform, allowing it to be processed by our system in the process. When SFTP is not a viable option for transferring data to us, such as an eligibility feed, this tool will process the eligibility data on your behalf - all you need to do is upload a file and map the required fields.
Watch a quick video of the Tag Upload process:
Steps to Upload Tags
1. Log into your dashboard, go to Settings → Upload tags or simply search for “Upload tags” and select the first option:
2. You will be provided with a list of possible tags to upload:
3. The document to upload has to be a CSV file and the first row should always include our required headers. If you want to upload your list of emails for new customers who qualified for a reward, you should select from the dropdown and download the sample doc:
4. The sample has all the correct headers and one example under each for your reference:
5. You’ll be able to map the headers you use to both mandatory and optional fields before every upload, just after dropping the file on the page:
6. Mandatory fields are always visible when mapping. For some upload options, optional fields are available, but these are hidden by default - you need to click on the “Optional fields” bar to open the selection:
Mapping fields also triggers the first stage of validation, so if your data format is incorrect, it should be indicated straight away by a red error text.
The tool will try to validate the first ~100 rows on the frontend and show you any errors with the file, e.g. invalid email. If you decide to proceed, the other row validations will be done on the backend, and the process will altogether skip any row that has an issue.
7. When all the fields are mapped and there’s no validation errors, you’re ready to start processing the upload. Please click the Upload button to start the process.
Once the process finishes, you will be able to see how many rows that have failed to be uploaded along with the total rows processed in the confirmation popup. The valid rows would then be pushed to the Tag queue, waiting to be processed.
Example of a tag upload popup window with errors
Example of a tag upload popup window without errors