Please note: In case of a Magento store that serves more than one language/currency, we recommend the standard tag integration (for example using Google Tag Manager).
The Magento integration lets you install a plugin through github and enable Mention Me’s tags from within your Magento account. Once installed, you can choose from a number of tag default positions. Alternatively, you can manually select where you want tags to load on your site.
You can also see how customers will view the tags within your Magento account.
The following tags are included in the plugin:
The plugin is compatible with the latest versions of the Magento platform: 2.1.18, 2.2.9, 2.3.x
Follow these instructions to install and enable a Mention Me Integration with Magento.
Installing the Module
You can install the plugin two ways:
- Using composer (recommended)
- From zip (downloaded from GitHub)
We recommend using Magento's PHP composer integration for the cleanest installation option. A Magento2 project should have an associated composer.json file. This file is used to add and remove modules from your system.
Installing the module via Composer (recommended)
- Add this GitHub repository to your project's composer.json as a Composer source repository:
composer config repositories.mentionme vcs me/magento2-integration
- Add the
Composer dependency to your project's composer.json as a required dependency:
composer require mentionme/module-mention-me --no-update
- Update your project's Composer dependencies:
composer update mentionme/module-mention-me
- Install the downloaded module via Magento's standard command line tool:
php bin/magento module:enable MentionMe_MentionMe php bin/magento setup:upgrade php bin/magento cache:flush
Installing the module manually via FTP
Click "clone or download" above and select "Download ZIP".
Copy the "app" folder from the downloaded zip archive in to your Magento root directory.
Install the downloaded module via Magento's standard command line tool:
php bin/magento module:enable MentionMe_MentionMe php bin/magento setup:upgrade php bin/magento cache:flush
After completing the above steps for Composer or manual installation the Mention Me module will be installed ready for configuration.
Please note, if you are running PHP OPcache on your server and have configured it not to clear automatically then you will need to clear the OPcache in order for the new module to become available after the above steps.
Configuring the Integration
The plugin is compatible with the latest versions of the Magento platform: 2.1.18, 2.2.9, 2.3.x
Once you’ve installed the plugin:
- Navigate to Stores > Configuration > locate and select the plugin “Mention Me”
- Add the Merchant Partner Code (that your Mention Me onboarding project manager sends to you) in the General configuration section to put the integrations into effect. The integrations are enabled in the demo environment by default.
This is automatically enabled.
The following fields will be populated when an order is placed:
- firstname
- surname
- customer email
- order_number
- order_total (the net total amount, excluding tax and shipping)
- order_currency
- locale (where this has been set)
This is automatically enabled.
- Select where to place the tag from the dropdown Position on Page.
- You can use the placement option for "I will choose where to place the tag manually" if you have a more customised theme installed and the default positions on page are unsuitable for your checkout. Manually place the MM wrapper inside the template files where you want the tag to be loaded.
Landing Page
This integration is automatically enabled. It’s a native Magento widget that sits among many other types of widgets in the dropdown options for clients to select and configure. It’s already built into Magento and allows you to manage Landing Page widgets and place them anywhere within your site.
Add via Widget With Layout:
- Navigate to Content > Widgets.
- Click Add Widget in the top right of the screen.
- Choose MentionMe Landing Page as the type and your design theme.
- Click Continue.
- Give the widget a title and select the stores it should trigger for.
- Under the Widget Options tab, specify the situation parameter of the landing page.
- Using the Layout Update section, specify on which page and within which container the landing page should show (e.g. the CMS homepage, main content area, etc).
- Send the URL of the landing page to your Mention Me Onboarding Project Manager.
This is automatically enabled.
Conversion Message (homepage and product)
This is automatically enabled.
- Select where to place the tag from the dropdown Position on Page.
- You can use the placement option for "I will choose where to place the tag manually" if you have a more customised theme installed and the default positions on page are unsuitable for your checkout. Manually place the MM wrapper inside the template files where you want the tag to be loaded.
Saving and viewing the configuration
You can see the effect of each placement on the customer side by saving the configuration then following prompts to flush your cache.
Once you’ve done this, you can click on Customer View to see how specific tags look for your customers. This will open into a view of the website where you can check enabled tags are in place.
Upgrading the Module
Upgrading the module via Composer (recommended)
- Update the
Composer dependency to the latest stable release in your project's composer.json
composer require mentionme/module-mention-me --no-update
- Update your project's Composer dependencies
composer update mentionme/module-mention-me
- Install the updated module via Magento's standard command line tool:
php bin/magento setup:upgrade php bin/magento cache:flush
Upgrading the module manually via FTP
Click "clone or download" above and select "Download ZIP".
Ensure you completely remove the existing app/code/MentionMe directory
Copy the new "app" folder from the downloaded zip archive into your Magento root directory.
Install the updated module via Magento's standard command line tool:
php bin/magento setup:upgrade php bin/magento cache:flush
Removing the Module
Remove the module via Composer (recommended)
- Remove the
Composer dependency:
composer remove mentionme/module-mention-me
- Inform Magento of the removal with the standard command line tool:
php bin/magento setup:upgrade php bin/magento cache:flush
Remove the module manually via FTP
Delete the "app/code/MentionMe" folder from your Magento root directory.
Inform Magento of the removal with the standard command line tool:
php bin/magento setup:upgrade php bin/magento cache:flush
Important: As with installing any new software on your system, don't forget to take appropriate backup steps, and to test your release in a development or staging environment before deploying to production.
You may also view these instructions here.