You can be confident that Mention Me complies with the requirements of GDPR.
In working with our clients we are the Data Processor and you are the Data Controller. The data belongs to you.
We have a Data Processing Agreement (DPA) which describes this relationship as well as the technical and organisational measures that we take to protect your data.
There are 3 different types of data requests:
- Right To Be Forgotten - Your customer wants to delete all information held on them. Here's how to do it.
- Unsubscribe - Your customer wants to unsubscribe from receiving any communication relating to the referral programme (This will prevent them from receiving any reward notifications going forward). This will not stop your customer from receiving direct communications from you. Here's how to do it.
- Subject Access Request (SAR) - Your customer wants us to provide a file with the information that we hold on them. For this, please email with the customer (details, name and email address, here is how to find them). We will upload this in pdf format to the secure file transfer part of the platform where it will be stored for a maximum of 2 weeks, and reply to your email with confirmation so you can download it and send it to your customer.
Here's what Mention Me will do if we receive a Data Request directly from one of your customers
- One of your customers sends a Data Request directly to Mention Me.
Our customer journey (and all emails we send to referrers, referees and customers) contain prominent links to our privacy notice. The privacy notice describes, among others, all of the rights your customers have in respect of their data and how they may exercise those rights. Customers are directed to our privacy contact form where they can either unsubscribe or make a data request. - If a customer requests to unsubscribe.
If a customer requests to unsubscribe they will automatically be placed on our suppression list for your refer-a-friend programme and/or your marketing programme. It is made clear in the privacy notice that any unsubscribe applies only to emails sent by Mention Me and not any other marketing emails they may have subscribed to with you.
You can't choose what emails to unsubscribe a customer from, it's either all or none.